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Faith Quest


Faith Quest - March to June


Have a great summer!
June 8 - September 7th

Flower Planting Sunday!
June 1st...


Community BBQ!
May 25th... 


May 18th... 
Long Weekend - no program

New FQ Unit: Holy Olympics!

April 27th... 
Story: I Am Amazing - Part 1
Activity: Holy Olympics Rehearsal

May 4th... 
Story: I Am Amazing - Part 2
Activity: Holy Olympics Rehearsal

May 11th... 
2014 Holy Olympics: Closing Ceremonies
Children Lead Worship

Easter Party!

April 20th... 
Story: Easter Butterflies


New FQ Unit: I am a Gift from God!

April 6th... 
Story: Holiness
Activity: Discerning Our Gifts
YAMCF: Secret Pal Luncheon

April 13th... 
Story: Palm Sunday Story
Activity: Gift Flags

March 23rd... 
Spring Break - No Program

YAMCF: Pizza Lunch & Rollerblading/Skating

March 16th... 


New FQ Unit: The Lord's Prayer!

March 2nd... 
Story: Serenity & Prayer
Activity: Creating the Lord's Prayer Rap

March 9th... 
Story: Variations on the Lord's Prayer
Activity: Creating the Lord's Prayer Rap

March 16th... 
Lord's Prayer Rap
Children lead in Worship


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